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“I am confident recommending Charles to families and their children to prepare for standardized tests. He shows a genuine interest in each and every child, and he works extremely well with students who love to learn and reach their goals.

Elaine Danson, educational consultant and former principal of Montcrest School, Toronto

I excel at teaching:

  • The intricacies of how to approach standardized tests
  • Secrets of how to write an A+ Essay
  • The foundations of reading and writing

Find out more about what I can teach students.

My name is Charles Trapunski and I provide students with an academic advantage.

I help students reach their full potential by providing the attention they need. I became a full-time tutor five years ago, after graduating from the University of Toronto with a degree in Literature and Philosophy.

My tutoring takes place in students’ homes, classrooms, and public spaces. I discovered through experience that students learn best in comfortable and familiar working environments.

My greatest contribution is customizing lessons to the needs of the individual student. Read more about the Advantage.

My philosophy

The major components of my philosophy are: Collaboration, Flexibility, and Keeping it Simple. Find out why.